Cheshire County Officers Golfing Society (CCOGS) held its 40th Anniversary Dinner at Cheshire View, Christleton on 12th November 1999. Some of the more eagle-eyed members pointed out that this was actually after 41 playing seasons. As would be expected it was a well attended dinner with CCOGS members past and present plus many friends of the Society. The principal guest was life member Sir John Boynton, former Clerk and Chief Executive of Cheshire County Council (1964 to 1979) who was during that period the Society's Vice-President. In accepting his invitation to speak at the dinner Sir John was insistent that he be allowed to speak last as he wished to "send people home happy ". Even at the age of 82 (and having travelled from London) his speech entitled "Glimpses of the Past " showed that he had lost none of his ability to entertain an audience. Sadly Sir John died in 2007. It is important however to place on record the gratitude which the Society owes to him for his support over many years. He certainly sent people home happy on that November evening and he shall long be remembered.

Special Guest and Life Member Sir John Boynton, with his guests

Tony Davidson telling a story…. Sue Yates appears engrossed, whilst John 'has heard it before….'!

Brian Neilson in thoughtful pose…. Either that or he's bored…!