Spring Trophy

New Captain & Partners

CCOGS 2012

Captain Drives in

Captain's Speech

Tony 2nd Am
Jon won am

David has a Two

Dave has a Two

John is Fifth

Dave is Fourth

Mark Third

Tony Second

Bryan Wins Trophy

TSB Trophy
BRA Trophy Poulton Park
Autumn Trophy
President's Trophy

Happy Group

Wise Heads

Tresurer & Friends

Old Hands

Guess who won !

In the frame

Lord Mayor, Lady Mayoress & Captain

Top Table


Honoured Guests

Lord Mayor


General view

Jon a Two

Tony a Two

Dave a Flag

P.O.Y. Neil

Fourth Jeff

Third Neil

Second Ian

Winner Mark

Winner's Speech

Capt & Guests


Christmas Competition
Thanks to Steve Brown for organising our trip to Frodham

Alan Takes Team with
Dan, Bernard & Roger

Roger Wins

Eric Second

Keith third

Jon Fourth

Robin wins Nattrass