Two new unitary authorities based on West Cheshire and East Cheshire will replace the County Council on 1st April 2009. Whilst the implications of this change are not yet clear what is certain is that the current membership of CCOGS wishes to see the Society continue to operate as "CHESHIRE COUNTY OFFICERS GOLFING SOCIETY" New members will of course be very welcome from the two new authorities. Although CCOGS has never been financially dependent on the County Council its loss could be described like the death of a Grandparent. It is therefore important that the Society continues to reflect the values that that the County Council bestowed upon us. The change will mean that reconsideration will have to be given to the office holders of President and Vice-President who were traditionally the Chairman and Chief Executive of the County Council. This will happen during 2009. Irrespective of this a full program of fixtures for 2009 is already in place and the enthusiasm of CCOGS members is such that the future is bright.
Here's to the next 50 years. But let us not forget all those people whose names are set out in the pages here, who have contributed to the success of CCOGS first 50 years.

As CCOGS moves towards its next milestone, the 60th anniversary, the degree of uncertainty about the future direction as described above will no doubt exercise the minds of the Society's officers. However given the strength and resolve of the current membership it will be very surprising if the CCOGS 60th anniversary dinner is not held under the proud banner of "CHESHIRE COUNTY OFFICERS GOLFING SOCIETY ". Heres to the future !