Membership Eligibility:
All APT & C staff (Administrative, Professional, Technical &
Clerical) and Support staff working directly for, or retired from, the
old Cheshire County Council.
Revised Eligibility 2010 onwards
Members can be anyone who has worked directly for, or is currently working
a) the Old Cheshire County Council,
b) either of the new County Authorities Cheshire West & Chester,
or Cheshire East,
c) any of the Authorities which merged to form these new authorities.
Revised Eligibility 2012 onwards
Friends of CCOGS members after attending a number of times as Guests
can apply to join CCOGS.
Their election to full membership needs to be decided at the next AGM.
To obtain an application form and further details about CCOGS...
then please
consult the secretary Tony Durkin
by phone or e-mail